Four Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Liberos On My Pinterest Board

My Pinterest account gets 1 million views a day and one of my most popular boards has four cute inspirational quotes for volleyball liberos on shirts on Etsy.

These four top-selling inspirational quotes for volleyball liberos are on cute short and long sleeve shirts and are

  • outside-the-box 
  • super creative
  • fun

volleyball designs that really serious back court players are proud to wear.

MY Life As A Libero

In 2013 I started creating a large collection of libero volleyball quotes because I was inspired by my playing and coaching career which gave me up close and personal knowledge of the personality traits needed by volleyball liberos at all levels from

  • youth players in middle school to
  • high school players on B, JV or varsity teams
  • to collegiate players in Division I, II or III 
  • to professional and National team players 

Dig Dig

Pass Pass

So if you see these libero quotes for backrow specialists on any other page, website or shirts that are not by me or by Volleybragswag.....they are fakes.

I have over 30+ years of volleyball experience on and off the court so I literally speak "volleyball."

And you do want the real thing, right?

My Volleybragswag stuff collection can be found on









My 4 Most Popular Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Liberos Are Great Gifts For Teenage Girls 

Inspirational Volleyball Quotes For Liberos Like "The Libero ABCs" are sold in my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make great gifts for teenage girls who play volleyball.Inspirational Volleyball Quotes For Liberos Like "The Libero ABCs" are sold in my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make great gifts for teenage girls who play volleyball.


Arms that absorb leather

the libero abcs 2

Lips that encourage teammates

My inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos like "The LIBERO ABCs" come on long and short sleeve shirts sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make good volleyball gifts for senior players.My inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos like "The LIBERO ABCs" come on long and short sleeve shirts sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make good volleyball gifts for senior players.

legs that collect bruises

My inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos like "The LIBERO ABCs" come on long and short sleeve shirts sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make good volleyball gifts for senior players.My inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos like "The LIBERO ABCs" come on long and short sleeve shirts sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make good volleyball gifts for senior players.

butt built by defense

My Inspirational Volleyball Quotes For Liberos Like " The Libero ABCs" are one of my top selling libero shirts that come in cute colors and sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop, make good volleyball gifts for senior players in the specialized backcourt position.My Inspirational Volleyball Quotes For Liberos Like " The Libero ABCs" are one of my top selling libero shirts that come in cute colors and sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop, make good volleyball gifts for senior players in the specialized backcourt position.
Volleyball coaches and players looking for gifts should know about these 6 top-selling inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos on my cute colorful shirts that I sell in my Volleybragswag shop.Volleyball coaches and players looking for gifts should know about these 6 top-selling inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos on my cute colorful shirts that I sell in my Volleybragswag shop.


Inspirational Volleyball quotes for Liberos like "LIBERO If you think you're short you should see my temper" are on my top selling libero shirts sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop.Inspirational Volleyball quotes for Liberos like "LIBERO If you think you're short you should see my temper" are on my top selling libero shirts sold on my Volleybragswag Etsy shop.

if you think

i'm short

Inspirational Volleyball Quotes For Liberos Like "LIBERO If You Think Im Short You Should See My Temper" are sold in my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make great gifts for teenage girls who play volleyball.Inspirational Volleyball Quotes For Liberos Like "LIBERO If You Think Im Short You Should See My Temper" are sold in my Volleybragswag Etsy shop and make great gifts for teenage girls who play volleyball.

you should

see my


Good Setting Hands Are Important For The Libero Volleyball Player

"LIBEROS Were Created Because Players Need Heroes Too" has proven to be one of my popular inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos shirts, pillows and postcards which make unique volleyball player and coach gifts."LIBEROS Were Created Because Players Need Heroes Too" has proven to be one of my popular inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos shirts, pillows and postcards which make unique volleyball player and coach gifts.

One important skill for the libero volleyball player is setting because when the setter digs a ball, the libero steps in to set to the front or back row.

"LIBEROS Were Created Because Players Need Heroes Too" has proven to be one of my popular inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos shirts, pillows and postcards which make unique volleyball player and coach gifts."LIBEROS Were Created Because Players Need Heroes Too" has proven to be one of my popular inspirational volleyball quotes for liberos shirts, pillows and postcards which make unique volleyball player and coach gifts.

The Libero Volleyball Player Should Set The Ball High

In a perfect game, the libero or back row players would pass the ball to the designated setter, who would be the only player to set every second ball.

If the designated setter defends the first ball then she can't set the second one, someone else has to.

In this case, one of the most popular offensive volleyball tactics teams follow is that the libero steps in to set the ball.

Click to read more.

Learn The Volleyball Setting Definition List of Setter Words and Lingo

A Libero is
















Did I Say Short?

What is the Role of Libero in Volleyball The Back Court Specialist

The role of libero in volleyball is of a backrow specialist who goes in to pass, dig and serve for one of two players they can go in for without a substitution.

The libero volleyball player has specific qualities and specialized responsibilities in their defensive roles along with special rules created just for them.

Find out everything you need to know about the who, what, when, where why and how about liberos in volleyball on the pages below...

Click to go to this page to read more.


LIBERO Short Sassy and Sweet is a shirt in my shop with one of the best selling inspirational volleyball quotes.LIBERO Short Sassy and Sweet is a shirt in my shop with one of the best selling inspirational volleyball quotes.


LIBERO Short Sassy and Sweet is a shirt in my shop with one of the best selling inspirational volleyball quotes.LIBERO Short Sassy and Sweet is a shirt in my shop with one of the best selling inspirational volleyball quotes.


LIBERO Short Sassy and Sweet is a shirt in my shop with one of the best selling inspirational volleyball quotes.LIBERO Short Sassy and Sweet is a shirt in my shop with one of the best selling inspirational volleyball quotes.


6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy: 

6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:
6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:
6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:
6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:
6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:6 Really Cute Inspirational Volleyball Quotes for Liberos on Shirts Sold on Etsy:

If you'd like more information on basic skills in volleyball check out the pages below. 

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