Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games

These inspirational quotes for volleyball team players celebrate and inspire volleyball athletes who practice hard and set goals so they can win all their games.

Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswagits not personal, we're on the same team, starting this season's MY dream... from the weights..2 the track, i'm right on your back, i want it so bad I can scream!! ::: as teammates i wish U success... but in practice each day I will test, U for a spot, as a starter, I do plot... to show everybody's who's BEST!! ::: for my coach, it will b hard to ignore, what I do on our home court floor... i play and work harder, 2 become our team starter This year...I AM going 2 score more!!!... : : : Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games

its not personal, we're on the same team,

starting this season's MY dream...

from the weights..2 the track,

i'm right on your back,

i want it so bad I can scream!!


as teammates i wish U success

but in practice each day I will test

U for a spot, as a starter, I do plot

to show everybody's who's BEST!!

 for my coach, it will b hard to ignore,

what I do on our home court floor...

i play and work harder, 2 become our team starter

This year...I AM going 2 score more!!!


Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswag


Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswagits just time to call it, what it is diggin your hits is my #1 biz, Sure Im only backrow, dont you get it twisted yo' ...on defense they call me "The Wiz" :::: Its my pleasure 2 dig up your tips, even better i neutralize your rips... Even if u hit from back row, im really a pro... at keeping my name on your lips! :::: But when its all said and done, from sideline 2 sideline I'll run... Sure I may b short, but U can cover THIS court, makin' defense look EZ is fun!!!

its just time to call it, what it is

diggin your hits is my #1 biz,

Sure Im only backrow, dont you get it twisted yo'

...on defense they call me "The Wiz"

Its my pleasure 2 dig up your tips,

even better i neutralize your rips...

Even if u hit from back row, im really a pro...

at keeping my name on your lips!

But when its all said and done,

from sideline 2 sideline I'll run...

Sure I may b short, but U can cover THIS court,

makin' defense look EZ is fun!!!

Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswag

Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's VolleybragswagC'mon lemme give U... just a piece of my my mind, U need 2 follow my lead... and 2 mimic my GRIND! ::: cuz results keep showin' i go HARD 4 this team ALWAYS bringin' it in practice watch me DIG that seam... ::: The movie called "The Cleaner" that was really about ME! i keep it spotless on R court i dig UP all your teamz debris. ::: see the last time i DUG U yeah that was a piece of cake u might as well tell me when y'all plan 2 run the fake ::: i dig lips against U and your middle just 4 FUN i HATE 2 break it 2 u partner we WON THIS one Son! : : : Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswag

C'mon lemme give U...

just a piece of my my mind,

U need 2 follow my lead...

and 2 mimic my GRIND!

cuz results keep showin'

i go HARD 4 this team

ALWAYS bringin' it in practice

watch me DIG that seam...

The movie called "The Cleaner"

that was really about ME!

i keep it spotless on R court

i dig UP all your teamz debris.

see the last time i DUG U

yeah that was a piece of cake

u might as well tell me

when y'all plan 2 run the fake

i dig lips against U

and your middle just 4 FUN

i HATE 2 break it 2 u partner

we WON THIS one Son!

Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswag

Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswagmy first name is "ROOF" my last is "ON FIRE" when i block you, u'll have to JUMP HIGHER... the next time I do it, its really gonna stick... ::: better do something different and do it REAL quick... :: its bcoming a habit, blocking U is mad fun... ::: i put a WALL up, 2 stop your 5 and your ONE.... :: 200 reps in practice, everyday..gettin' it done :: the results R payin off, U cant beat me Son! ::: hittin' X court? U aint got much of a chance My libero's behind me, doin the "diggin" dance :: Good luck with your NEXT game, cuz WE GOT this! its OUR 1st place trophy, we'll get to KISS!!!! ::::: Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswag

my first name is "ROOF" my last is "ON FIRE"

when i block you, u'll have to JUMP HIGHER...

the next time I do it, its really gonna stick...

better do something different

and do it REAL quick...

its bcoming a habit,

blocking U is mad fun...

i put a WALL up,

2 stop your 5 and your ONE....

200 reps in practice,

everyday..gettin' it done

the results R payin off,

U cant beat me Son!

hittin' X court?

U aint got much of a chance

 My libero's behind me,

doin the "diggin" dance

Good luck with your NEXT game,

cuz WE GOT this!

its OUR 1st place trophy,

we'll get to KISS!!!!

Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games By Coach April's Volleybragswag

Do You Follow Me on Instagram?

Follow me on Instagram @coach_apchap to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

For more inspirational volleyball quotes check out the pages below

Here are three options: 

  1. Learn more about the volleyball quotes, sayings and shirts in the Related Links below.  
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page  Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the Information section in the drop down menu at the top of the page

Read more about Coach April's  Volleybragswag inspirational volleyball quotes 

  1. Improve Your Volleyball Performance with Vegas VB Coach April Chapple
  2.  ›
  3. 22 Volleyball Motivational Quotes, Thoughts, Sayings To Be Inspired By
  4.  ›
  5. Inspirational Quotes For Volleyball Team Players Who Want To Win Games
  6.  ›

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Stay strong! Stay motivated!

-Coach April


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