Overhand Serve Volleyball Technique Tips To Help Volleyball Service
The overhand serve, underhand serve and jump serve are the 3 volleyball serve techniques players learn. Improve your volleyball serve skills with these 2 tips.
The overhand serve, underhand serve and the jump serve are the 3 overhand serve volleyball techniques players learn.
Here are two serving tips that improve the effectiveness of your overhand serve and will increase the possibility of you scoring more aces in volleyball games and matches.
Be consistent with your body movements and move the same way every single time when serving
Overhand Serve Volleyball Techniques Keep Your Elbow High
One way to help you improve your volleyball serve and to learn correct volleyball serve techniques is to watch the best collegiate and pro players perform them correctly.
All through their overhand jump float serve routine, their serving arm is kept high above the level of their ear. with an open palmed hand that faces the opposite wall. (Ralph Aversen)
They do this so they can get their hand to the ball faster, after the ball has been tossed.
Overhand Serve Volleyball Techniques Use The Same Consistent Body Movement Every Time You Serve
Watch this EXCELLENT video of professional players and Italian (featuring Francesca Piccinini one of the best outside hitters in the world) and Dutch national team players.
They perform the same serve, the same way, every single time they go to serve.
They become like a serving machine.
Every movement makes sense and functions to get the ball aggressively over the net in a way that makes it difficult for the opposing team to receive serve.
There are no
extra movements
no dips
no toe touches
no hop skips
no excessive bouncing
no roller coaster side tosses
None of those extra body movements named above, help you get the ball over the net.
So there's no reason to add them to your overhand serve volleyball technique.
Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience.
These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis.
Sign up now!
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
Overhand Serve Volleyball Techniques: Where Do you Go From Here?
Your three options are:
You can learn more about Serving by visiting the related links below.
Or visit the pages in the How to Play Volleyball section in the drop down menu at the top of the page to get started.
Before leaving this page Say "Hi" to Miss Tattoo the Tiger wearing the #9 jersey below. Miss Tattoo is the starting defensive and serving specialist for the All Beast VolleyBragSwag All Star team.
Meet Tatoo the Tiger, Serving Specialist on VolleyBragSwag's All Beast Team
You might like these volleyball techniques in the pages below.
What is an overhand serve? Discover the basics, tips, terms, tactics, and tutorials on ImproveYourVolley.com on what you need to know on the volleyball serve.
I reveal some of the secrets to perfecting your overhand volleyball serve, from proper form and serving rituals to various serve types and practice methods.
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How to spike volleyball balls by tipping short, tipping deep, roll shot, or cut shot when you need to score points on your high school varsity volleyball team.
What is an overhand serve? Discover the basics, tips, terms, tactics, and tutorials on ImproveYourVolley.com on what you need to know on the volleyball serve.
I reveal some of the secrets to perfecting your overhand volleyball serve, from proper form and serving rituals to various serve types and practice methods.
Learn 6 tips on how to float serve to exploit opposing team weaknesses target weak passers or spot best court placement to increase your chances of scoring aces
Use these 3 beach volleyball tips techniques for bump setting in volleyball 1) sand sprints 2) how to use your legs and 3) use the bump set over hand setting.
How to spike volleyball balls by tipping short, tipping deep, roll shot, or cut shot when you need to score points on your high school varsity volleyball team.
Check out PlayGoSports for all your sports equipment, outdoor games and pool toys.
Coach April's 2024 Private and Semi private Volleyball Training
Pre-Registration now open for 2024-2025 Private and Semiprivate Training Sessions with Coach April . Get prepared for club tryouts in July!
Email now for information on semiprivate or private indoor skills and/or sand skills individual and/or small group training volleyball classes for 2024.
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Read my open letter to Las Vegas Jr high/high school volleyball parents about my predictions on individual and small group volleyball training trends for 2019/2021
Learn more on the basic volleyball rules and terminology for the antenna, what's the volleyball net and how high is it and where's the front and back court?
Elevate your game with volleyball communication terms for specific positions, non-verbal cues and tips for effective on-court communication in competition.
Get ready to impress your teammates with your knowledge of volleyball mistake slang, as I break down common error-related terms used by players on the court.
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