Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

The Bump Set Spike Are 3 Types of Hits Used To Contact A Volleyball

The bump set spike are 3 types of hits beginners learn to do to contact a ball, when done together with partners the bump set spike drill is the pepper drill.

The three types of hits players use to contact a ball most often in a game are the

  • the bump
  • the set
  • the hit

What are the three main hits in volleyball the bump set spike definitions
"The Bump"

The bump is also known as

The bump is usually the first volleyball contact made after the referee blows their whistle and the serving team serves the ball to the receiving team in a game.

If you're the receiver, also known as the passer in practice or private training you learn

are all volleyball phrases that mean the same thing,

They describe the process of contacting the ball with wrists and forearms together to transfer it from one place on the court to another place or over the net.

What are the three main hits in volleyball the bump set spike definitions
"The Set"

The set is usually the second hit or contact made during a rally after a teammate has completed "the bump" or passed the ball to the front row. 

The set is also known as

The set is usually the second hit or contact made by a player in the setter volleyball position after a teammate has bumped or passed the ball to the front row. 

  • The Set - usually an overhead contact made with your arms extended above your head with your two hands in the shape of a triangle above your forehead that cradle a volleyball ball momentarily before pushing it back in the air towards another player or over the net. 

Fast Sets To The Outside Hitter⁠

The set can vary in speed an height depending on what the offensive play is being run.

The most common FAST volleyball offensive plays set to the left side:⁠
⁠The "Hut" - a medium high/medium speed rainbow shaped set that fails inside the left antenna after peaking 5-6 feet above the net.⁠

The "Go" - a fast speed/low set with little-to-no-arc that falls inside the left antenna after peaking 2-4 feet above the net⁠

Kyle connects with Tommi on the outside with a super fast "Go" set to Zone 4. ⁠

Click to read more...⁠

What are the three main hits in volleyball the bump set spike definitions
"The Spike"

The attack hit is usually the third and final hit allowed per side and is used to send the ball over the net in a rally in an attempt to score a point or sideout.

The spike is also known as

  • the spike or attack hit - a hard driven ball contacted in mid-air after a player takes a three or four step spike approach that lifts them in the air  towards a ball that's above the level of the net to swing at the ball with their dominant arm with force in a downward motion so it lands within the court boundary lines. 

Bump Set Spike: 
Where Do You Go From Here?

Where do you need to go now? Here are three options: 

  1. Learn more about Smart Strategies by checking the links in Related Links section.
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the How To Play Volleyball section in the drop down menu at the top of the page.

You might like these bump set spike pages 

  1. Improve Your Volleyball Performance with Vegas VB Coach April Chapple
  2.  ›
  3. Volleyball Plays Why A Setters Sets Vary In Speed, Height And Location
  4.  ›
  5. The Bump Set Spike Are 3 Types of Hits Used To Contact A Volleyball
  6.  ›

Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

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