Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

Volleyball Passing Fundamentals An 8 Step Review of Basic Pass Skills

These volleyball passing fundamentals review in 8 easy to understand steps the basic technical skills needed to pass a ball correctly to the intended target.

These volleyball passing fundamentals review in 8 easy to understand steps the basic technical skills needed to pass a ball correctly to the intended target.These volleyball passing fundamentals review in 8 easy to understand steps the basic technical skills needed to pass a ball correctly to the intended target.

Volleyball Passing

Volleyball Passing Fundamentals

Learn the Do's and Don'ts on Passing In Volleyball

Various forms of the overhand serve include the floater serve, the topspin serve and the jump serve. All these types of serves require the player to make contact with the ball over their head.

Volleyball Passing Form: When Passing  Face The Net,  Drop The Inside Shoulder and Angle Your Platform

Passing in Volleyball: When Passing Avoid Turning To Face Your Target When You Bump A Volleyball

Passing in Volleyball: When Passing Beat The Ball Dont Time The Ball

Passing Don'ts in Volleyball: When Passing Dont Turn To Face The Target Just Angle Your Platform

Passing in Volleyball: When Passing Dont Turn To Face The Target Keep Shoulders Parallel To The Net

Passing in Volleyball: When Passing Track The Ball When Its In the Opposing Server's Hands Slo Mo

A quick 8 step review..on passing in volleyball 

1. Feet shoulder width apart with right leg slightly in front of the left. Shoulders and upper body in slight crouch ready to move in any direction quickly.

2. Anticipate where you need to be and get there BEFORE you start to pass the ball keeping arms and hands apart.

3. Get stopped with right foot slightly in front of the left.

4. Present your platform by wrapping your left hand around your right fist with thumbs pointing straight down to the ground which forces elbows and arms to from a super straight platform.

5. When contacting the ball don't swing your arms to serve receive - keep your platform below your shoulders and thumbs pointing to the ground - always.

Use YOUR LEGS to get the ball to the target by shifting your body weight from your back (left) foot to your front (right) foot.

6. Shoulders should already be squared to the net before you contact the ball so you don't have anymore adjusting to do with your arms once you contact the ball.

7. Keep your eyes on the ball.

Visually track it as it leaves the servers hand all the way to your platform. By focusing on the ball you can tell if you need to make minor adjustments in the angle of your platform in order to get the ball to your target.

Angle your inside shoulder towards your intended target keeping elbows and arms straight by keeping thumbs pointed to the ground. 

Freeze your platform on ball contact without swinging your arms. This freezing action keeps the ball in the air longer and it allows the setter to read and anticipate where the pass is going ..alot easier. 

8. Have fun playing volleyball in your next indoor volleyball game, match or tournament!

Coach April Chapple's Volleyball Passing Tips For Youth Volleyball Players

 Learn Coach April Chapple's Volleyball Passing Fundamentals With These Tips For Youth Volleyball Players





Volleyball Passing Fundamentals: 
Where Do You Go From Here?

Where do you need to go now? 

Your three options are: 

  1. You can learn more about Passing in volleyball by visiting the Related Links below.  
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page   Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the How to Play Volleyball section in the drop down menu at the top of the page to get started. 
  4. Before leaving this page Say "Hi" to  Ms. Resee the Kangaroo, wearing the #11 jersey below. She's a left side hitter with precision passing and a member of the VolleyBragSwag All Beast Third team. 

Meet Resee the Kangaroo and Passing Specialist on VolleyBragSwag's All Beast Team

Explore More Volleyball Passing Techniques in the Pages Below

Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

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-Coach April


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