Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

High School Volleyball Tips 4 Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills Alone

Use these four ways to improve volleyball tips as helpful hints and lessons on how to play better starting with passing, setting, spiking, digging, blocking and serving.

With these 4 high school volleyball tips I explain how to improve volleyball skills on your own without the help of your coach in practice and in games.

4 Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills 
Minimize errors but don't be afraid of making mistakes in practice

In high school volleyball when learning the game every player should know they're going to make mistakes. Its a part of the learning process. 

The trick is to learn how to be the player that makes the least amount of errors. 

But don't be afraid of making mistakes because that's how you learn. Be fearless about trying new things and go for it. 

Minimize errors but don't be afraid of making mistakes in practice

One way to minimize errors and improve your volleyball skills is by practicing your passing technique.

How To Do Wall Passing
Drills At Home

Set up a target against a wall and practice passing the ball with accuracy and control.

Use wall drills to help build focus on using the correct form and to learn how to pass the ball consistently to the target.

This drill will help you develop better ball control and accuracy in your passing.

How to do wall passing drills...

Volleyball wall passing and wall setting drills can be done daily at home with a goal of at least 250 - 500 reps of various drills to keep your

  • passing or setting technique, 
  • angled platform work, 
  • ball contacting skills and 
  • control of the ball.....extremely sharp!

Pick a brick, a specific spot on the wall or mark a big X in chalk on a wall or use a basketball net or backboard matter what you decide to use as your target... anybody walking by.... should be able to see exactly where the spot is that you are aiming for EVERY...single....time .⁠

Do 3 to 5 sets of 100... five feet from the wall ....then side step two feet and repeat. Then step back and repeat.⁠

Complete 300 to 500 passing repetitions

4 Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills 
Always support your teammates don't give up on them

The whole idea of supporting or not supporting your teammates comes in many forms...from showing up late to practices, complaining about playing time, to the effort you give in all practices, to not being in shape which becomes obvious when your team plays more than 3 sets or has long practices, to never giving up in tight games. 

Always bring your best self to practices and to show up in support of your teammates. 

Always support your teammates, don't give up on them

To improve your volleyball skills and support your teammates, you can work on your setting technique.

Find a target, such as a basketball hoop, and practice setting the ball accurately towards the target.

Concentrate on using proper hand positioning and giving your teammates a set they can work with.

Practicing your setting skills will make you a more reliable teammate and improve your ability to assist others during games.

4 Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills 
In tight games or on game point be willing to take risks

If you're willing to take risks in practice then you'll be preparing yourself to be confident enough to take risks during match point and during tight moments in games.

Learning to be the top scorer on your team means you need to be willing to call for the ball, want the ball, or demand the ball from your setter, especially in moments where everyone else may be afraid to do so.  

In practice ask for balls and keep asking for balls from your setter, repeatedly. This will help you face your fear of hitting for points for your team when it really really counts. 

In tight games or on game point be willing to take risks

To be more confident in taking risks during crucial moments in games, focus on improving your spiking skills.

Set up a target or a net and practice your approach and spiking technique.

Work on hitting the ball with power and accuracy, targeting specific spots on the court.

By practicing your spiking on your own, you'll become more comfortable and assertive in taking risks during games.

4 Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills 
Take action between plays even when you aren't touching the ball

As a high school varsity or JV volleyball player there are many things you can do on the court in a game without touching the ball.

By doing these things you help increase the possibility of your team's success in winning against your opponent.

Do you cover your hitters?

Hitter coverage means if you're a defender in the backrow, a setter, or a hitter who hasn't been set the ball... you go to "cover your hitter" who has been set the ball so that when they hit the ball, if they get blocked, you and the other five players who are not actually hitting the ball...are positioned in a semicircle around the player who is hitting, so one of you five can get the ball up again in the air so its replayed before the ball hits the floor.  

This way by "covering your hitter" you give yourself another chance to run your offense and replay the ball again. 

One of my pet peeves is when a setter sets the ball and just watches their set to see what happens next instead of following the path of the ball towards their hitter and going immediately into covering their hitter so if the ball gets blocked they are in position to replay it up again. 

Who are you and what do you do on the bench?

Do you yell, scream and cheer to support your teammates on the court or are you quiet and thinking about complaining to the coach about playing time? 

College coaches come to watch potential recruits when they are off the court and not playing just as much as they do when they are on the they know more about who the player is ..when they are not in the game. 

  • How supportive or selfish they are.
  • How they talk to their parents
  • What their body language is and 
  • how they listen to their high school coach's instructions

What do all these things have in common?

These are small things you can do to help support your team and to help influence what happens in a match even when you actually don't have your hands on the ball but they help make a huge contribution to your team's success. 

Take action between plays even when you aren't touching the ball

When you're not touching the ball, you can still contribute to your team's success by improving your defensive skills.

Set up a training partner or use a wall to practice your digging technique. Focus on moving quickly to the anticipated landing spot of the ball and using the correct form to dig the ball up.

By honing your defensive skills, you'll be able to provide better coverage for your team and increase the likelihood of winning rallies.

By incorporating these specific drills and exercises into your individual practice sessions, you can enhance your volleyball skills and make significant improvements.

Remember to always focus on proper technique and practice with intention to maximize your progress.

Frequently Asked Questions For Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills

Here's a 10-question content that provides answers on ways to improve volleyball skills:

Question 1: How can I minimize errors and improve my volleyball skills?
Answer: One way to minimize errors is by practicing your passing technique. Set up a target against a wall and focus on passing the ball accurately and consistently.

Question 2: How can I support my teammates and become a better player?
Answer: Always support your teammates and never give up on them. Show up to practices with a positive attitude, give your best effort, and be willing to help and encourage your teammates.

Question 3: How can I gain confidence to take risks during crucial moments in games?

Answer: To gain confidence, practice taking risks in your training sessions. Work on your spiking technique and challenge yourself to go for difficult shots. Over time, you will become more comfortable and assertive in game situations.

Question 4: What can I do to contribute to my team's success even when I'm not touching the ball?

Answer: Take action between plays by focusing on improving your defensive skills. Practice your digging technique and work on quick movements to anticipate the landing spot of the ball.

Question 5: How can I improve my setting skills and become a reliable teammate?

Answer: Find a target, such as a basketball hoop, and practice setting the ball accurately towards it. Focus on proper hand positioning and giving your teammates consistent and usable sets.

Question 6: What can I do to increase my volleyball knowledge and game awareness?

Answer: Watch professional matches, study game strategies, and observe experienced players. This will enhance your understanding of the game and help you make informed decisions during matches.

Question 7: How can I improve my serving skills?

Answer: Practice serving consistently and with different techniques. Work on targeting specific areas of the court, such as the sidelines or deep corners, to keep your opponents off balance.

Question 8: What can I do to enhance my agility and quickness on the court?

Answer: Incorporate agility drills into your training routine. Focus on footwork, lateral movements, and reaction time exercises to improve your overall agility and quickness.

Question 9: How can I improve my communication and teamwork skills?

Answer: Be vocal on the court, communicate with your teammates, and provide clear instructions during games. Practice effective communication during team drills and scrimmages.

Question 10: How can I improve my mental toughness and resilience?

Answer: Develop a positive mindset and practice mental exercises, such as visualization and mindfulness, to improve focus and mental resilience. Additionally, set goals for yourself and work towards achieving them, which will help strengthen your mental toughness.

Remember, consistent practice, dedication, and a growth mindset are key to improving your volleyball skills.

Take The Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills Quiz?

Here's a quiz to test your knowledge on ways to improve volleyball skills:

Question 1: How can you minimize errors and improve your volleyball skills?
a) Practice your passing technique
b) Attend more team practices
c) Avoid taking risks in games

Question 2: True or False: It's important to support your teammates and never give up on them.
a) True
b) False

Question 3: How can you gain confidence to take risks during games?
a) Practice taking risks in training sessions
b) Avoid trying new things and stick to what you know
c) Only take risks when the game outcome is not important

Question 4: What can you do to contribute to your team's success even when you're not touching the ball?
a) Improve your defensive skills
b) Focus on your individual performance only
c) Take a break and conserve your energy

Question 5: How can you improve your setting skills?
a) Practice setting the ball accurately towards a target
b) Ignore practicing setting and focus on other skills
c) Trust your teammates to do the setting for you

Question 6: How can you enhance your agility and quickness on the court?
a) Incorporate agility drills into your training routine
b) Skip warm-up exercises to save time
c) Avoid quick movements to prevent injuries

Question 7: True or False: Watching professional matches and studying game strategies cannot help improve your volleyball knowledge.
a) True
b) False

Question 8: How can you improve your serving skills?
a) Practice serving consistently and targeting specific areas of the court
b) Avoid serving during practice to save energy
c) Use the same serving technique every time to avoid mistakes

Question 9: How can you improve your communication and teamwork skills?

a) Be vocal on the court and practice effective communication during team drills
b) Avoid talking to your teammates during games to stay focused
c) Rely solely on hand signals instead of verbal communication

Question 10: How can you improve your mental toughness and resilience?

a) Develop a positive mindset and practice mental exercises such as visualization
b) Avoid setting goals for yourself
c) Let external factors completely dictate your mental state

Give yourself a point for each correct answer, then check your score below!

0-3: You have room for improvement! Brush up on ways to enhance your volleyball skills.
4-7: Not bad! You have a decent understanding of ways to improve, but keep learning and practicing.
8-10: Great job! You have a solid grasp of the various strategies to enhance your volleyball skills. Keep up the good work!

Note: The correct answers are:
1. a) Practice your passing technique
2. a) True
3. a) Practice taking risks in training sessions
4. a) Improve your defensive skills
5. a) Practice setting the ball accurately towards a target
6. a) Incorporate agility drills into your training routine
7. b) False
8. a) Practice serving consistently and targeting specific areas of the court
9. a) Be vocal on the court and practice effective communication during team drills
10. a) Develop a positive mindset and practice mental exercises such as visualization

Do You Follow Me on Pinterest?

Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience.

These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis.

Sign up now!Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience. These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis. Sign up now!

Follow me on Pinterest Volleybragswag to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills Where Do You Go From Here?

Good times! Where do you need to go now? Here are three options: 

  1. Learn more about the Tips.
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the Volleyball Tips section in the drop down menu at the top of the page 

Check out more volleyball tips on the pages below. 

  • Improve Your Volleyball Performance with Private Volleyball Coach April Chapple
  •  ›
  • Volleyball Tips on Playing Better and Improving Your Basic Skills
  • High School Volleyball Tips 5 Ways To Improve Volleyball Skills Alone

  • Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

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