What is passing in volleyball you ask?
The short answer is...its the way the ball is contacted so it travels from one player to another or from one player over the net without touching the court floor.
Usually the first type of contact a player makes when they have been served a ball by a player on the opposing team, the pass can be made with hands held overhead which is called a set or most commonly made as a forearm pass.
Find out more about what is passing in volleyball on this directory page of passing information found on Improve Your Volley.com.
Learn to bump a volleyball so that you get the ball to your setter consistently by moving quickly to where you anticipate where the ball will be.
Passing in Volleyball: What, When, Where, Why and How To Serve Receive
Learn how to improve your passing in volleyball technique, when you pass the ball in serve receive, and why you need to do it consistently
The libero volleyball player has specific qualities and specialized responsibilities in their defensive roles along with special rules created just for them.
The volleyball libero is a specialist in digging, passing and playing in the backcourt who wears a contrasting color jersey and has defensive responsibilities.
Coach April Chapple's Volleyball Passing Tips For Youth Volleyball Players
Click Here to Get A copy of My Passing Ebook Right now!
When you get in the habit of practicing game-like situations, then when you find yourself in an actual game, you have already prepared for that particularly tense and pressure-filled situation.
These volleyball passing drills are for players looking to improve their volleyball passing skills. Do these everyday in order to keep your technique and accuracy sharp.
These individual and partner volleyball passing and serving drills are what we work on to improve your volleyball skills
We do various volleyball passing drills in our Boot Camp Class with varied patterns and and movements to improve your ball control skills.
You can change the pace or control the speed of the game with this volleyball strategy for passing which is a way your team can run a faster offense.
Receiving Serve is a Crucial Part of Each Rally. Learn What Happens When Your Team Is On Offense
A Short Glossary of Volleyball Terms and Lingo Used For Passing A Ball
This short glossary of volleyball terms explains the techniques used to pass a volleyball and includes descriptions of common passing and serve receive errors.
Here are 11 serve receive tips liberos, defensive specialists and back court passers can use to improve their passing and heighten the efficiency of their overall team's offense.
Learn How To Improve Your Volleyball Passing
Improve your volleyball pass technique quickly by visually tracking the ball early when its in the opposing server's hands then track it as it crosses the net.
Keeping straight arms is a volleyball technique to use when you pass a volleyball. Learn 2 ways to hold your hands so your arms stay straight while passing.
These three passing tips will help you get the ball to your setter consistently while in serve receive.
Whether you call it the volleyball bump, the serve receive, the underhand pass or the forearm pass every player needs to master the art of controlling the ball while passing in volleyball.
You do that by doing lots and lots of reps which we do and practice in our Boot Camp classes.
Volleyball passing drills, although some time monotonous are
Whether you do drills at home by yourself, or doing them in practice with your teammates, it's best to get in the habit of setting mini goals for yourself to reach in order to complete each drill.
When you want to take your partner passing drill …to another level...
Here's an example of what we do in our passing skills progression. . .
After warming up as usual with normal partner passing…with the person in front of them, they then in a group of four had to pass clockwise to the person on their right. . .
Then when I called “cross court”…the players had to decide when they’d switch partners in mid drill and start passing with the partner across from them
Volleyball Information
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-Coach April
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