Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

Types of Volleyball Serves Topspin, Missile, Coach Kill, Friendly Fire

Topspin, missile, coach kill, friendly fire and husband and wife play are serving terms used for advanced types of volleyball serves used by varsity players. 

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These are the 3 types of volleyball serves 

used by indoor and beach volleyball players.

My Breakfast Club for College group is doing a serving under pressure drill where two serving line of players go at the same time, so one serving line serves to Zone 1 and the other line serves to Zone 5 ..simultaneously. 

Learn more about the advanced types of volleyball serving techniques and skills.

These are the 3 types of volleyball serves 

underhand serves
overhand serves like the float serve 
jump serves like the jump float and jump spinused by indoor and beach volleyball players.These are the 3 types of volleyball serves underhand serves overhand serves like the float serve jump serves like the jump float and jump spin used by indoor and beach volleyball players.

  • topspin
  • missile
  • coach 
  • kill
  • friendly fire
  • husband and wife play

Types of Volleyball Serves:
What is a Topspin Serve?   

What is a Topspin Serve?   

During a jump serve, a server uses topspin by making contact with the upper third portion of the ball, on the top panels, after it's tossed.

To create topspin on the ball the server places their hand on the ball in such a way that it

  • generates forward rotation once contacted
  • making the top of the ball spin forward faster
  • increasing its speed and velocity as it travels in the air to the opposing court

so it drops out of the air quickly once it crosses the net.

Standing Topspin vs. Jump Topspin

A server can take a 3-4 step approach behind the service line and in the air contact the top third of the ball so it spins as it crosses the court. This is called a jump topspin serve. (Henry Stern)A server can take a 3-4 step approach behind the service line and in the air contact the top third of the ball so it spins as it crosses the court. This is called a jump topspin serve. (Henry Stern)

A server can 

  • stand on the ground and do a topspin serve without jumping first 

or they can

This is called a jump topspin serve. 


On the beach court which is smaller in size, the topspin serve is quite effective since players have much less time to react to the serve.

Types of Volleyball Serves:
What's a Coach Kill?

What's a Coach Kill?

A coach kill is one of the serving terms used when a player on team a serves the ball into the net or commits a service error of any kind after the coach on team B called a time-out or substitution.

Since the coach called the substitution or the timeout to distract the opposing team's server and to break her concentration, if the coach's strategy works then the "kill" or that point is attributed to the coach's action and not due to any particular player or team action.

Types of Volleyball Serves:
What is Friendly Fire?

Friendly Fire describes what happens when a ball served by one player hits their own teammate, in the back of the head, with the ball.Friendly Fire describes what happens when a ball served by one player hits their own teammate, in the back of the head, with the ball.

What is Friendly Fire?

Friendly fire is one of those funny volleyball terms which describes what happens when a ball served by one player hits their own teammate, in the back of the head, with the ball.

This is a fault and a point for the other team.

Types of Volleyball Serves:
What is the Husband and Wife Play?

What is the Husband and Wife Play?

When a server on one team aims the ball so it lands between two players on the opposing team it causes communication problems between the two passers.

This is a serving strategy used by beach players who purposefully serve the ball so it lands between the left side and right side players on the opposing team, causing the two players to "fight' over who is going to receive serve.

Husbands and wives "fight" over things so this is why this has become commonly used beach volleyball jargon used in serving.

Types of Volleyball Serves:
What's a Missile?

What's a Missile?

A "missile" is a term used in volleyball that describes the type of super hard driven serve made by a player.

A missile is a tough serve which may or may not end in a direct point. 

If a server serves a missile that hits the floor before anyone can pass it then it results in a direct point also called an ace in volleyball, since the passers aren't able to pass this type of ball.

Frequently Asked Questions About Proper Volleyball Serve Technique

1. How can I improve my volleyball serve?

Regular practice is key to improvement. Additionally, you can focus on elements such as having a consistent toss, utilizing your whole body for the serve, aiming for different target areas on the court, and varying the speed and spin of your serve.

It can also be beneficial to work with a coach or more experienced players for specific tips and feedback.

2. What kind of serve gives the most control?

For beginners, the underhand serve will most likely provide the most control. As your skills improve, you might find that the overhand serve gives you a good balance of control and power.

what is serving in volleyball the first opportunity to score a point

3. How can I make my serves more powerful?

Power in serving comes from a combination of arm swing speed, timing, and body momentum.

Working on your physical strength, particularly in your core and serving arm, can also help generate more power in your serves.

Volleyball Serving Drills: Addi, Piper and  Hadley Working on their Jump Float Serve To Chairs for Accuracy and Points during semiprivate training with me 

4. What is the most difficult type of serve to return?

It can be subjective and depends on the skills of the receiver. Usually, many players find the float serve difficult to return due to its unpredictable trajectory. A well-executed jump serve can also be very challenging to return due to its speed and power.

Listen to what I tell Addi about being aggressive with her armswing. 

Working on her floater in volleyball serve today we did 100 reps of the same serve to the same spot so we could problem solve and work on every body part movement...where things go so when its time to do everything faster...we have smoothed out and understood all the possible wrinkles. 

5. Can I touch the line while serving in volleyball?

No, you cannot touch the line. While serving, you need to stay behind the end line until you have contacted the ball.

Stepping on or over the line before the ball has been hit is considered a foot fault, and results in the serve going to the other team.

6. Why is my serve going into the net/too long?

If your serves are going into the net, it may be because you could be making contact too low on the ball or you are not generating enough power with your pre-serve technique.

If your serves are too long, you may be swinging at the ball too hard, with too much follow through, too high, or leaning back too much on contact.

Making adjustments in these areas can help improve your serves. I love to help my clients identify what they need to do in order to develop a consistently tough serve. 

Ariella and I spend a lot of time developing a tough jump float serve to anywhere I tell her on the court. 

Remember that volleyball is about teamwork, skill, and most importantly, enjoyment! Train hard, play fair, and always enjoy the game.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to me at I'm here to help you become the best volleyball server you can be!

This has been an important message by your favorite volleyball coach! That's me!!

Thanks for visiting.

Be sure to check out more of my volleyball articles by clicking one of the links below!  (April Chapple)

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Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience.

These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis.

Sign up now!Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience. These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis. Sign up now!

Follow me on Pinterest Volleybragswag to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

Volleyball Basics 
Where Do You Go From Here?

Where do you need to go now? Here are two options: 

  1. Learn more about How to Play Volleyball by exploring the Related Links below. 
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page  Learning How To Play (Sitemap)

Check out these articles about the volleyball basics for new coaches. 

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-Coach April


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